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Building For Baby

What a difference a week makes :)  We've made great progress on the baby's room.  HandyMan has put in the filler panels to make the wardrobes look like they're built in.  And he built the banquette too!  Now we just have to find some metal mesh to face the front and still allow the warm air from the radiator to flow through.

There's still alot to do... painting and installing the baseboards, installing the closet doors, getting the curtains and bench cushions made.  We're also planning on putting a shelf above the window to hold baskets of toys and such (you can always use more storage in a kid's room!).  And then there's all the fun stuff - hanging artwork, filling the drawers, putting up a mobile and the lighting.  Hope you're liking your new home so far, Baby HandyLuster!  We're loving putting it together for you.

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