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Sarah 101: Classic Ensuite

Alright, you guys are going to have forgive my lack of any real depth in this post. I tried to watch Sarah 101 twice today and was twice thwarted! The noon showing had no sound the entire episode, if you can believe it! And the little one just wouldn't go to bed so I missed the 9pm showing too. Argh. (Note to self: get a PVR!).

I would have loved to have seen this episode. Bathrooms can be notoriously expensive rooms to renovate so I would have liked to have heard Sarah's tips on where to save and where to splurge. From what I can see, she did her signature touches of mixing tiles to get an interesting and high end look, and putting an accent wall in the shower. And looky - that gray band of accent tile is the same one from Lowe's that we used in our bathroom reno.

Most of the fixtures and furnishings she used in this room were purchased in a big box store, if I'm not mistaken. I think she achieved a nice look, not too fancy but not boring and predictable either. What do you all think? And please, fill me in on what I missed!

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