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Living Room: Progress, Plaster & Paper

And things keep chugging along in the living room. Last we left it, we had a dirty dropcloth stapled to our ceiling and few layout options in mind. HandyMan worked his handy magic and before I knew it, he had built this:

One fireplace frame coming right up (though Chloe liked to think it was actually a miniature stage built for her :)  We haven't quite decided how we're going to finish the fireplace... full height tile? A mix of tile and painted drywall? Mantle? One thought we had was to recess the base of the fireplace where it lines up with the baseboard, to make it look less heavy. You can create a subtle recess by using different thicknesses of drywall beneath your tile. So, we added those horizontal braces beneath the platform in case we do decide to do that... its always good to keep your options open!

In another blink of an eye, the fireplace turned into this:

Yay, we have fire! Almost four years after we tore out the original fireplace, we finally have a new one in place. You can bet I enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate with that fireplace blazing last night :) The fireplace wasn't as massive in the space as we worried it might be. The black frame will be covered in tile so only the glass will be visible.

Enjoying the fire was short-lived though... because now the living room looks like this:

Over the next week, we'll be getting the ceiling plastered, the faux fireplace filled, patches sanded, and walls painted. And we'll be eating every meal standing up in the kitchen. Fun times, everyone, fun times.

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