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Vintage Art Finds in Home Decor

It may seem that HandyMan and I are a pretty good team and for the most part, that's true. We share similar tastes and have found a routine that works for us: I focus on the design, he figures out the build, and we get things done. There is one area though that we find really problematic - agreeing on the artwork.

I tend to like my art literal, a touch nostalgic, more pretty and sweet than dramatic or bold. HandyMan is on the more abstract side of the spectrum, preferring strong modern pieces or graphic photography. So you can imagine that he rolled his eyes when these pieces found their way home with me...

I don't know why, but I love love love this painting of three pigs. I bought it at foc! for $35. I can already envision the perfect spot for it... in our renovated basement, against a wall of white beadboard. No matter that we haven't even started the basement reno yet - the pigs had to come home with me! There's great texture in the painting and a sweet folksy feel to it. Chloe likes it too!

I got this petite piece at the Aberfoyle Spring show. The vendor said it was an example of primitive art from the 1850's. Not bad for $15. Its the first in a collection of vintage art that I hope to amass. For now, I think I'll display it in the new old hutch.

And these little birds flew their way home with me from the Queen West Antique Centre. I think these paint-by-number birds were the most offensive to HandyMan's tastes ;) Decidedly girly in shades of teal, pink and coral (or Honeysuckle, if you want to be au courant), these will go in Chloe's future big girl room (yet another room we haven't started!). 

They do verge on being grannyish though; I'll have to paint the frames and place them in a more modern setting to offset their kitschy feel. Or maybe I'll put them in oversized glossy Ikea frames with wide mats, giving them more of a gallery look.

Do you and your partner share taste in artwork? How do you decide what to put on your walls? I find agreeing on artwork more difficult then picking a sofa!

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