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O Canada

Thank you all so much for the enthusiastic response to the living room! I was quite nervous to reveal the whole room to you all. It was quite a departure for me - I tend to decorate rooms with a bit more subdued palette so this riot of colour and pattern was challenging. But we all need to push ourselves sometimes, right?

With the living room done, I've had a bit of time to spend on other things. Last Saturday, I had a great time at the 2nd Canadian Design Bloggers meetup. I didn't have my camera with me, but the fab Leah Kirin was there to capture all the great moments of the night.

Photo by Leah Kirin

That's a photo of me, Sarah from Yummy Mummy Club, and soon-to-be-momma Kerry from First Time Fancy. If you didn't notice, Sarah and Kerry are wearing the same dress. Sarah actually also owned the dress I'm wearing (but in blue). Thankfully, she didn't wear it too, but she did wear the belt. The three of us will be coordinating our outfits prior to any other future blogger events ;).

It was a wonderful event organized by Vie and Daniella with the help of fantastic sponsors Ikea Canada, Delta, and CIL. Tommy Smythe was the keynote speaker and he was in fine form - fashionably dressed and quick with the wit and sometimes off-colour humour. Tommy let us know that 'the cuffs come off' for the next season of Sarah 101 and we'll see more of that signature Tommy-Sarah repartee we adore so much!  

One thing I enjoy about these blogger events is catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones too. Since its Canada Day this Friday, I thought I'd highlight some of the newish-to-me Canadian blogs that are filling up my reader these days.  Have a read and maybe you'll find some new favourites:

I hope to be relaxing this weekend up at the cottage, free from iphones, blogs and TV. Time to disconnect, slow things down, and recharge.
{photo of Chloe at the cottage two years ago. Wow, time does fly by!}

Wishing all my Canadian friends a sun-filled and fun-filled Canada Day! 

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