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Come on in, Style At Home!

Things are getting a little crazy around here. We're painting things, cleaning things, fixing things up, putting things away. You'd think the Queen was coming over. Well, its not the Queen, but these folks will be coming over to our house on Monday...

That's right - our house will be appearing in the pages of Style At Home magazine!! Yippeee! I have been a faithful subscriber of Style At Home since 1997. It has been the go-to design guide for my crappy rental apartments, my first condo, and my house. So you can imagine how incredibly lucky and humbled I feel to have my home photographed for one of my favourite magazines. It really is a dream come true.

Photo by Michael Graydon for Style At Home
Photo by Andrew Grinton for Style At Home
You might be wondering how we got to be in the magazine. Funny enough, quite a few months ago someone had tweeted something about decor and I tweeted a link to my blog. Erin McLaughlin, Editor of Style At Home, saw that tweet, checked out my blog, and the rest is history. So if you dream of getting your home in a magazine - WRITE A BLOG!! Seriously! There are so many beautiful homes and talented homeowners out there but unless you know someone at a magazine, it really is difficult to get your house noticed. Having a blog puts you out there and really shows off your stuff.

Photo by Stacey Brandford for Style At Home
Photo by Janis Nicolay for Style At Home
I'll be doing a Behind The Scenes post next week but of course I can't show everything that's going on. You'll wait to see it in print :) I'm not sure what issue our house will be in (magazines shoot months in advance) but I'll definitely let you know when I know.

Gotta get back to cleaning now (and hiding all the toys in the basement!). Thanks so much for your support. This blog wouldn't be all that it is if you guys weren't around!



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