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In The Closet

My husband is a keeper. Let's get that out there. For the last four years, this tiny sliver of a closet is where he has housed his clothes. I, on the other hand, get the entire two-sliding-door closet in our master bedroom. See? Keeper.

The closet has a bit of room to the right of the door but its difficult to access. Can anyone explain to me why closets are so awkward in 1950's houses? Just doesn't make sense.

See that blue wall and floral border? That's what the room looked like before we turned it into the office. We completely forgot to redo the closet at the same time - and got too lazy to redo it after ;)

First step in turning the office into Chloe's big girl room is making the closet more functional. That means ripping out the wall. Yay, dirty work!

The plan is to put in two shaker style doors. We had considered using bi-folds but HandyMan dislikes the look, plus we came across a good deal on in-stock shaker doors at Central Fairbank. We'll have to patch the floor where the wall is though HandyMan would like to make it easy and just carpet the room and closet. The other bedrooms are carpeted but I much prefer the look of an area rug over the hardwood for this room, maybe something like these:

Love these rugs from DwellStudio. {Sidenote: The Bay will start carrying DwellStudio furniture, rugs, and bedding in select stores in March. Yay!}. I actually find it difficult to find stylish, affordable rugs locally. Anyone have any suggestions on where to look?

More to come!

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