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My Life List

Is it just me or has January just whizzed by? I can't believe the month is over and we've barely had a snowfall here!

So before the rest of the year gets away from me, I thought I would finally share with you my Life List. What exactly is on my List? Goals big and small, some readily achievable, others grandiose and looming. I believe a person should have some bold, audacious and outrageous goals. With lofty goals, you take big strides in achieving them - instead of baby steps. I blame it on Alt, but this year is all about thinking big and making stuff happen.

It was actually a fun exercise to put together this list; I really had to think and focus on what I really wanted - at least what I want today. I've managed to achieve some of these (green) and others are in the works (italics). Putting it out here for everyone to see does make me feel a bit, uhm, uncomfortable but who knows, maybe someone reading here can help make make a few of these dreams come true...


1.     Ride the Agawa Canyon tour train
2.     Vacation in the Hamptons
3.     Ride the Chunnel from London to Paris
4.     Vacation on Mackinac Island
5.     Visit the Gugghenheim Museum in Bilbao
6.     See the Mona Lisa
7.     See the Sistine Chapel
8.     Visit Rome
9.     Visit Japan
10.  Revisit PEI with Chloe & Sean to enj
oy a church lobster dinner
11. Visit Paris every five years
12. Visit the Philippines with my family
13.  Visit Hawaii with my family
14. Have a spa weekend with my girlfriends
15. Take a road trip (again) with my girlfriends – no husbands, no kids
16. Attend Brimfield antique show
17. Attend Alt Summit
18.  Take a Mediterranean cruise
19.  Visit Australia


20.  Ride a bicycle the entire way from the cottage into town
21.  Cook every recipe in the Jamie Oliver Jamie’s Food Revolution cookbook
22.  Meet Sean for a surprise daytime date
23.  Meet Oprah
24.  Picnic in the park
25.  Sing in public
26.  Paint a painting
27.  Ride in a convertible while wearing a kerchief on my head
28.  Wear a fascinator
29.  Learn to drive manual
30.  Bake my own bread
31.  Send more snail mail (birthday cards, thank you notes)
32.  Read more books
33.  Go sailing with Sean
34.  Become proficient in Photoshop
35.  Go snorkelling
36.  Go fishing with my dad again
37.  Create a “printed” legacy for Chloe: printed photos, a book of blog posts since her birth
38.  Learn to play the violin
39.  Live with less 'stuff'


40.  Pare down my wardrobe to only items that fit and make me feel pretty when I wear them
41.  Wear the pretty clothes & heels more often
42.  Find my perfect shade of lipstick
43.  Become fluent in French
44.  Have a natural labour and childbirth
45.  Give only handmade gifts for one Christmas
46.  Sew a dress for Chloe
47.  Sew a dress for myself
48.  Take a professional photography class
49.  Start and maintain a regular exercise program
50.  Drink more water and less pop
51.  Run a half marathon
52.  Figure out my “go to” outfit


53.  Plant a tree and watch it grow to maturity
54.  Renovate the basement
55.  Give Chloe a “big girl” room
56.  Redecorate the back deck
57.  Paint the exterior of our house
58.  Redo the front walkway and stairs
59.  Become proficient with the power tools
60.  Completely remodel another house
61.  Own a summer cottage
62.  Build a tree house
63.  Have a vegetable garden
64.  Have homes on three different continents
65.  Grow my own herbs


66.  Go to the tree farm and chop down our Christmas tree
67.  Start a Christmas tradition
68.  Visit a Disney park with my family
69.  Have a professional family photo taken
70.  Save enough to pay for Chloe’s education
71.  Be debt free
72.  Host my entire family for Thanksgiving dinner
73.  Go camping with Chloe
74.  Sleep in a tent in our backyard
75.  Teach Chloe how to ride a bike
76.  Teach Chloe how to swim
77.  See Chloe graduate from high school
78.  See Chloe graduate from university
79.  Do what I can to have a second child (take care of myself mentally and physically)
80.  Have a third child
81.  Live to see my grandchild
82.  Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary


83.  Be a keynote speaker
84.  Write a regular column for a magazine or newspaper
85.  Appear as a design expert on television
86.  Write a book
87.  Write a book about design
88.  Get sponsored/paid to travel and talk/blog about design
89.  Produce a TV show
90.  Appear on TV, radio, in a newspaper, in a magazine, online
91.  Have my home appear in a magazine
92.  Have one of my photographs published
93.  Launch a renovating/decorating business with Sean
94.  Open an online shop
95.  Be featured on
96.  Make enough money to enable Sean to quit his job
97.  Make a living from my passions: blogging, crafting, creating, designing, and consulting.
98.  Build a career that allows me to work from home, earn a good living, and spend time with my family.

So there's my list, warts and all. Do you have a life list? What's on it? Have you managed to strike anything off your list yet?

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