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The Basement: Scope Creep

Okay, fine, you convinced me. A playhouse will go under the stairs. Hopefully. Maybe. Depending on the additional cost. We hadn't budgeted for drywalling under the stairs (it was going to be rough storage) so now its a matter of how much it will cost to get this little slice of toddler heaven built. We're hoping we can offset this cost with things that were in our basement quote but won't be done (some were deemed unnecessary, some aren't possible). HandyMan and I really could do it ourselves, but since our contractor Basement Spaces will be doing the framing and drywall, it only makes sense to add this small project to the job.

And that my friends is scope creep. I think its inevitable to have a bit of scope creep no matter what renovation you're doing. "While we have the walls open we might as well..." is a common phrase around our house. Electrician coming on site? Well, we might as well have him do this and this and this while he's here.

But I'm not going to worry about the scope creep for now. For now, I'm all about the pretty. See? I'm already thinking up design schemes...

I'd like something cute, but HandyMan also wants something that will fit in with the rest of the basement decor. I would have loved to have a dutch door, but the doorway is too wide and it swings into a hallway so we'll have to go with swing doors. So many different directions I can go with this design! It'll be fun to surprise Chloe with this little room that is all her own. More ideas to come...

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