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The Outdoor Office

With the weather warming up, one thing I've been looking forward to is working outside. Not working outside (my garden still scares me) but working outside. Here's my summer office:

Yeah. Not much to look at. I've had grand plans for this deck for years - paint the floor grey and the railing and walls white, add a beadboard ceiling, finally painting out the window trim white - but for now, all I want is for it to be functional. The table is too high and too small and isn't useful for working nor meals al fresco. HandyMan made the table years ago from scratch... he cut the metal rod, welded it into a frame, and created the mosaic top... so we've been reluctant to just get rid of it. But this setup isn't working so I've been looking for a new table for the last two years. Finally, I found the perfect table at my local Superstore (and for only $99!). With a bit of zhushing, here's what my summer office is looking like now:

The table is the perfect size for the space. Our garden stools provide some additional seating. Finally, we can have a meal around this table!

I decided to do a little DIY to make it easier to move my office outside. I bring my laptop, iphone etc. in and out each day and it can be a hassle to carry all those cords and things and they can get easily scratched. Using some scrap fabric, some foam board, and a metal office basket (also from SuperStore)...

I created this little landing spot that makes transport easier and keeps the electronics safe. (Yes, my iPhone has a huge crack on the screen. Ask the 3yr old how that happened) Now I just pile everything in the basket at the end of the day. Easy peasy.

So, that's where I'm working these days. If you're curious about my view, here it is:

Man, that garden is so overgrown. See, I told you I was scared of it!

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