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Blogger Style - The Book!

Ever since I started blogging, and reading blogs before that, I've been blown away by the amazing talent that there is in the blogosphere. These are everyday people - homeowners, renters, crafters, DIYers - who put together beautiful homes using their own skills and creativity. We who read these blogs are exposed to a sea of original and inspiring ideas and achievable design on a daily basis. Wouldn't it be great if more people could see what design blogs have to offer??

I am very excited to tell you that is going happen. Announcing... BLOGGER STYLE. The book.

Together with my husband Sean (aka HandyMan), I am pleased to be writing BLOGGER STYLE for John Wiley & Sons, publishers of books by Candice Olson, Sabrina Soto, numerous titles for Better Homes & Gardens and many more. This will be the fourth book that Sean and I have written (here are the others) and we can't wait to tackle this subject which is very close to our hearts. 

Its about time the design spotlight was put on bloggers!

Bloggers are gaining in influence, appearing on design shows and in the pages of your favourite magazines.  This will be the first design book to recognize that shift and put bloggers at the forefront, celebrating their talents as a legitimate and important source for design inspiration and knowledge.  BLOGGER STYLE will highlight both the bloggers themselves and their innovative interiors. It will feature real style by real people - you don't need a design degree to create a beautiful and inspiring home! We like to call it The Democratization of Design and we're thrilled to document it with our book.

But Sean and I can't write the book without YOUR help...
  • Are you a blogger with an incredible home that absolutely should be featured in BLOGGER STYLE? Now's the time to toot your own horn! Submit your home today for consideration!
  • Do you know of a blogger, a hidden gem, with a fantastic sense of style? Tell them about BLOGGER STYLE and get them on our radar.
  • Can you help spread the word and post about the book on your blog? We'd love it if you could! Feel free to save the image below and direct your readers to the book website at

There are only 40 blogger profiles in the book and we want to showcase the best of the best. The blogosphere is a huge place and we want to know who catches your eye, who has the best Before & Afters and most inspiring ideas? Shoot us an email here if there is a blog you think we must see.

There is a lot of writing to be done and not too much time to do it. The book will be published in Fall 2013. If you'd like to be considered for the book, the submission deadline is September 15th. Write us today!

I've been dreaming about writing this book for a long time. I can't wait to show the world what we bloggers do!!

To keep up to date on BLOGGER STYLE, you can check out our website, follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.


A very special thank you to Kathleen Shannon for developing the BLOGGER STYLE branding (you'll see more of her work in the book!).

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