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The Basement: A Bathroom Update

If you follow me on Instagram*, you would have seen that we've made some progress on the basement bathroom.  It's looking so good. See that beadboard wall with recessed panel detail and cap rail? HandyMan made that. And the awesome subway tile (yet to be grouted)? He did that too. The "architect" in him really shows up in his meticulous work on the details.

There's still more to do. Like decide if I want to paint or put wallpaper above the beadboard. And find a toilet. Somewhere along the way, our bathroom wall moved in slightly so we only have room for a toilet with a 10" rough-in. There's not much choice out there for 10" centers and the ones we have found are extremely unattractive so the search continues. We're hoping to get most everything else in the room finished over the holidays though. Do you get the feeling that it takes us forever to finish a renovation? Yup, that's how we roll ;)

* On the whole Instagram thing and their change of terms of service, I'm sticking with it for now. This article was helpful in clearing up many of the misconceptions I had. There is no clear frontrunner for a replacement and creating multiple accounts on Flickr, Snapseed etc. to follow/be followed doesn't seem like a solution. Instagram is fun because "everybody" is there; moving to another service where there are only a handful of people kinda makes me wonder why take photos then.
** I also think, as a blogger, there's greater probability of photos on my blog being "misappropriated" than any photo I post amongst the millions of photos on Instagram. Just my two cents!

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