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Outdoor Living

Now that we've finally hit double digit temperatures around here, my thoughts are turning to all things outdoors. Okay, maybe not all things. I'm a horrible gardener and HandyMan takes care of the lawn, so when I think outdoors I mean lounging outside on our deck and using the barbeque.

I was recently invited to the Home Depot Spring Preview and a few things caught my eye. Like these outdoor rugs:

Many of the rugs are reversible and they've got some really fun patterns. I'll have to check out the second one, the sisal-looking one with the Moor-ish pattern, in store. It would look great in my my outdoor office.

I thought this was really fun too. If we had more room in our backyard, I'd put one of these adjustable tables on the stone patio. It instantly transforms from a coffee table into a dining table and the middle part can also be an ice bucket. Summertime dining at its best.

What I was really checking out though were the barbeques. Back in September, our BBQ caught fire and the dials literally melted off. Very scary stuff. HandyMan actually didn't tell me about it until weeks later because, you know, your wife can freak out when she learns her husband had to reach past the flames to turn off the propane tank. Aghhh! Super scary.

So this BBQ is too small for our family but it is ELECTRIC. How awesome is that. I totally could have used this when I lived back in my condo and a tiny 5' long patio to my name.

But really, I know nothing about buying a barbeque. What features should I be looking for? Some of them have accessories to turn the grill into a pizza stone or griddle; others have rotisserie rods. Do any of you actually use those features? Any brands you recommend??

Our last (melted) barbeque was a cheap one we got through using our Airmiles and we know how that ended... I'd like to get something a bit more substantial this time so I'd love to hear your advice!

Note: I was not compensated for this post. I just wanted to share some of the cool things I saw at the preview.

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