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What To Wear For A Family Photo

Did all you moms have a good Mother's Day? I was spoiled with a delicious breakfast and a sweet paper mache bowl and hand-drawn card. Melt my heart it did! So fun too to see everyone's Mother's Day photos on my instagram feed.

In my old apartment, I used to have photos displayed everywhere. Maybe it was because I was living alone at the time, but I loved being surrounded by photos of family and friends and special moments, in frames on shelves or hung on the walls. But in this house, we have very few photos. The ones we do have are mostly of Chloe and hardly any of us as a family.

We're finally having some family photos taken and I think I'd like to have one for the bare wall in the basement. I've been thinking about what to wear for a family photo and have looked at Design Mom's photos for inspiration.

Photo via Design Mom
Do you notice that their clothes don't "match" but they "go"? To get me in that mindset, I've pulled a few looks together:

Much like decorating, I think the key is to repeat colours and stick to similar textures or materials. I'm going to be using our existing wardrobe so hopefully I can find something that coordinates! As for the photos themselves, you're never sure what you're going to get when kids are involved but I hope the photographer will be able to capture us naturally and not look too posed. This photo I took on the weekend, with Chloe hiding behind her dad's leg, kinda feels like that.

Like a stolen moment. Love that!

Have you had professional family photos taken? Any tips to share with me?

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