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Etsy Canada Affiliate Program

For many, many years, I've had a love affair with Etsy. Last week, I went to an event to celebrate the launch of Etsy Canada's new Affiliate Program. As the only design blogger there, I felt like I was just let in on a very big secret. And now I'm happy to share that secret with you :)

If you are unfamiliar with affiliate programs, basically they are a way for a blogger to generate some income. Your readers click on a link and for any sales made through that link, you generate a small commission. I've been a bit hesitant to jump into the affiliate marketing world too much because the mentioning of products can seem a little forced. But Etsy is different. With this new program, your purchases of unique handmade goods support not only my blog, but also directly support the individual crafter/artist/maker behind that shop. There is a real person who benefits from your purchases.

Like Pinterest, I spend way too much time finding cool stuff on that site. So I thought that once in a while, I'd share those cool things with you. If you're a fan of my style, then you might like some of the curated items I've picked out; I'd happily buy each and every one of these items for my own home. I've put a few of these themed collections together already and you can check them out in My Favourites and they'll also reside here on my blog (see the new Shop link on the sidebar). Of course, you don't have to use my affiliate links - if you see a product you like, you can always just open a new browser and type in the url :)

If you are an Etsy fanatic like me, and would like to help promote Etsy sellers while generating some blog income as well, sign up here to apply for the Etsy Canada Affiliate Program. Sorry, my American friends, the Affiliate program is only currently active for a few European countries and Canada!

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