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Planting A Small Front Shady Garden

Isn't this front garden makeover finished yet? Almost!

Last we left #ProjectWalkway, HandyMan had fixed the spalling brick and we planted the boxwood hedges around the perimeter. But what to plant in our small front shady garden?

After spending hours walking around Plant World and Sheridan Nurseries, we settled on a variety of shade-loving plants. The walkway has taken on a real formal air with the addition of more boxwoods in the smaller garden. I knew I wanted Annabelle hydrangeas which will grow to 3-4' tall and hopefully the boxwoods will provide some support and keep the hydrangeas from flopping over. The boxwoods will also provide interest in the winter and keep the garden from looking too barren when all of the other plants die away.

Things were looking a little too green so I added in begonias to provide colour through the rest of the summer. Later this fall, I plan to plant tulips behind and in between the boxwoods. I can't wait to see what this area will look like next spring!

To the narrow area on the right, we've planted pretty decorative grasses. That side borders on our shared driveway and the grasses add texture and colour and should be able to tolerate the cars driving by.

Along the front, we planted a pyramidal yew on the far left to separate our garden from our neighbour's. It'll look great once it reaches its full height of 10', but for now it looks like a tiny shrub. Then we added more hydrangeas, astilbe, and hostas. On the far right is a rhododendron bush which should burst forth with pale lilac flowers next spring and we'll be planting tulips here too for extra colour. I've discovered I'm an impatient gardener - I want everything in bloom now! The garden looks a little sparse right now but hopefully we can keep these plants alive and it will be full and lovely next year.

We're so glad to have the 'heavy lifting' part of this makeover done - but we're not finished yet. We're adding in lighting around the plants, we still have to get the eavestrough replaced and surprise - we're going to replace the front window as well! That window is an eyesore and I can't wait to finally open it and let the fresh air flow. Maybe we'll get this all done by the end of the summer??

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