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Setting #GardenGoals

This is it. This will be the summer I conquer my garden. One year ago, Sean and I built our front walkway and two garden beds. We put in some boxwood shrubs, hydrangea, and a rhododendron and crossed our fingers. Last fall, I added tulip bulbs and to my amazement most everything survived and bloomed this spring.

I'm a terrible blogger because all the yellow tulips had already fallen by the time I took these photos. Things aren't looking too bad (except for the grasses on the right) but as gardens are wont to do, they grow and change quickly. After a very sunny few days, our garden was looking like this:

The boxwoods are starting to look a bit more unruly and everything is very monotone green and boring. The tulips are gone, the fluffy heads of the hydrangeas have yet to appear, and the only colour to be found is the rhododendron which has just started to flower.

Being a garden newbie, I've made a few missteps already. Eventually I'll understand planting cycles and what plants work together, but what my garden needs now is a jolt of colour. I'm excited to be working with President’s Choice® and its Garden Centres to do just that. PC® Lawn and Garden products make it super easy to have a beautiful, vibrant and on-trend garden in no time - even with a black thumb like mine. Here's my garden goals:

1. Colourful Annuals:
There's a few bare spots in the garden beds that I want to fill with colourful annuals. I'd like to stick to pinks and purples to coordinate with the rhododendron, so plants like the PC® Fortunia Star Lavender, the showy PC® Gigantico Dahlia Starsister Rose & White or a pink-hued begonia might do the trick.

2. Pretty Planters:
The urns on the front porch have been sadly neglected and have sat empty all spring. I'm not very good at mixing and matching container plants so I'll stick to pre-planned and coordinated planters like the PC® Super Gigantico Confetti Garden Mixes. They come in trendy colours and use a variety of plants that play well together.

3. Low Groundcover:
I really love the idea of tucking low flowers in front of or in between the four boxwood shrubs in the raised garden bed walls. Small flowers to create a border or act as groundcover would help to break up the look of the all-green garden.

How does that sound? Any garden tips for me? I've never really planted a garden before so I'm learning by trial and error. Stay tuned to see how it all turns out!

This post is sponsored by President's Choice®. All opinions and hours spent browsing the PC® Lawn & Garden Centres are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands who make this blog possible!

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