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The Love List - BlogPodium Edition

Sorry for the blogging absence lately. This past weekend was BlogPodium and I've been consumed with organizing it.  I've run this conference since 2011 and I have to say I think this was the best conference yet. No one was more surprised than me. Blogging has changed so much since I started almost a decade ago. Old blogging friends have slowed down or stopped blogging all together; newer bloggers seem motivated by different things; and the pace of change in social media is relentless. There have been ebbs and flows and at times I struggle with finding my place in this crazy blogging world. But this weekend reminded me that change is good and that this space still brings me so much joy.

For this week's Love List, I wanted to share my takeaways from the conference. It was great to have that time to reflect and be encouraged and inspired to keep on blogging.

1. Find Your Own Secret Sauce

Keynote speaker Tiffany Pratt is the queen of doing her own thing. There is no one quite like her - whatever she puts into the world - designs, art, products, words - it has that Tiffany Pratt signature. We all have that in us. We all emit our own frequency, our own energy, that can draw others to us. The key to this is being in tune with yourself. Know what drives you and listen to your gut. Drown out the noise and focus on your own thing. Find your own secret sauce.

2. Connection, Conversation, Collaboration

Those three words are the tag line of BlogPodium and on the weekend, I saw them put into action. Whether it was a group getting giddy over the pretty accessories in Alyssa's Instagram course or overheard conversations at the speed networking tables, I saw connections happening all around me. I saw women who'd only just met in person give each other the warmest of hugs, and in the BlogPodium aftermath, I've seen coffee dates being made, more chances to connect and further the conversation being planned.

In this online world, it is so important to get offline. It's easy to get caught up in the one-dimensional blogging world and believe what you see is really how things are. It's an environment that can breed negativity and feelings of inadequacy - there's no one to tell you otherwise! But what happens when you go to a conference or blogger event? You realize that others share the same fears and hopes that you do. You find community and are energized by it. I love the buzz that comes from sharing ideas with other creative people. Nothing can replace human connection.

3. Perfection in Imperfection

Tiffany talked about the concept of wabi sabi, or finding perfection in imperfection. As a design blogger, I'm pretty obsessed with the perfect and beautiful: a well-designed room, an expertly executed DIY, a stunning instagram. But there's something to be said for being comfortable with the less than perfect, especially if it's more real. Let the realness seep into what you put out on your blog and social media. Embrace your quirks and unique point of view. There were 150 women in the room, all with interesting stories. Strive to be a perfectly imperfect individual.

4. Surround Yourself With Those Who Inspire You

Every year, I'm amazed by my team. Brittany, Julie, Lesley, and Britt along with Lindsey, DanicaThalita, Shannon and Robin helped me put together an incredible day. Each of these women are talented and so good at what they do. They bring creative ideas to the table and with them, I feel like anything is possible. We set the bar high and always strive to do better.

Of course, BlogPodium wouldn't have happened without the love and support of this guy right here. The conference basically takes over my life for a good six months, and in September, my house becomes a swag bag warehouse, I neglect house chores, laundry, and cooking meals. So thank you to my husband Sean. You'll always top my Love List.

Did you attend BlogPodium? I'd love to hear what you took away from the day.

All photos courtesy of LLB Creative

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