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Things To Consider When Picking A Front Door Colour

You would think picking a front door colour would be easy and straight-forward. But really, is picking any paint colour easy? I think not. Selecting a front door colour is especially daunting as it can lead to a good or bad first impression of your house. Before you put paint to door, here's a few things to consider:

1. Pick Your Personality

What do you want your home to say? Do you want it to be playful and cheery? Stately and modest? Bright colours can feel modern and energized while subdued hues feel more traditional.

2. Think About The Light

Unlike the indoors where paint colours can look deeper and more intense, the opposite happens with paint colours outdoors. Sunlight can wash out colours so opt for a slightly bolder hue than you might normally be inclined to choose.

As well, consider how your front door might look in different seasons. The cold harshness of winter light might make your paint look bluer than in the summertime.

3. Contrast or Complement

Your front door isn't the only colourful surface on the exterior of your home. Shutters, siding or brick, garage doors, flooring and walkways, trim and accent paint... all of these elements play a part in your home's colour scheme. Do you want your front door to play nicely with that colour scheme? Or perhaps you want it contrast and bring some dramatic tension to the palette?

4. Consider Your Landscaping

As sure as the seasons change, your landscaping will have an impact on your home's exterior appeal. Have you picked flowers and plants that enhance your front door colour? Bold and cheery flowers balance a front door that has the same boldness. Alternatively, a monochromatic garden can make the hue of your front door stand out.

5. Decor Matters

It might seem odd to stick my paint chip against my ferns but as soon as the front door is painted, I'll move onto decorating the porch with rugs and the door with a wreath. Many of my seasonal wreaths have green leaves so a similarly toned green door might not be the best choice. Consider the colour of your outdoor furniture, rugs, and planters and how they all work with your front door.

A lot to consider for just one paint colour. I've picked ours and I can't wait to show you the painted front door soon!

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