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5 Ways To Get Ahead of the Holiday Rush Right Now

I know it's one day until Halloween and three weeks until the US Thanksgiving but let's be honest... is there a little part of you that is excited and thinking ahead to Christmas? I'm in no rush to speed up this time of year and I've got no plans to bring out the Christmas ornaments just yet, but there are a few things I'll be doing right now to get ahead and hedge against the anxiety the holidays bring.

Call it a master plan. A bit of planning now so that I can actually sit and enjoy the holidays when they arrive.

1. Start Gift Shopping

I used to be one of those people who would leave gift shopping until the very end. Let me tell you, shopping at the mall on a Saturday in mid-December is one of the most frustrating experiences ever. Now, I start my shopping in the fall and it has changed evvvvvvvvvverything. I find more and more stores having sales before Black Friday, making it even easier to grab a deal. I've already picked this up for girlfriend and this for a gift exchange. For the rest, I've started a list on my phone of ideas and will keep an eye out for sales on those items.

2. Decide On Your Colour Scheme

Do you change up your holiday decor colour scheme every year? Or do you stick to your tried and true accessories? Whatever you do, now's the time to take a peek into those ornament boxes and see if you need to purchase anything new. All of the new holiday decorations are already in stores and the best ones go fast. Case in point: I posted about these IKEA eucalyptus garlands last weekend and at least half a dozen people DM'd me to say they went right to the store and picked one up before they ran out! So if you've got midnight blue and white as your colour scheme, start looking for those elusive decorations now.

3. Schedule Your Holiday Parties

The holidays are a busy time for everyone and trying to organize a group event can be difficult. If you know you want to do a cookie exchange with your girlfriends or a winter pancakes and pyjamas party, get those dates into the calendar now.

4. Plan Your Christmas Cards Now

This is one task that takes a bit of pre-planning. If you're the type who sends out custom Christmas cards with photos, you need to get on that. Planning a family photo shoot? You'll need to book the photographer and plan your outfits. If you're DIYing your photos (like we did this year), you'll have to scout your location and make sure your camera's all charged up too. Get the photos done soon so you'll have time for printing and then mailing them out.

5. Start Your Christmas DIY Projects

What is it about the holidays that makes one feel crafty? I love spending some of my downtime making Christmas crafts, handmade gifts, and doing projects with Chloe. The grinchmas tree we made last year was a super fun project. If you want to make a few handmade items this year, you'll need to block of that time in your calendar now. There's nothing more enjoyable than crafting on a chilly winter night (especially with a sappy Hallmark movie playing in the background, ha!).

What do you think... will you be ahead of the holiday rush this year?

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