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Our Snow Covered Christmas House

Do you get snow where you live? For the last few years, we've had very mild Decembers so I was pleasantly surprised that we've had a few snowfalls over the last week. And maybe I'm only noticing it more because we're stuck at home, but home feels so much prettier when there's a dusting of snow on it.

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

I shared our Christmas front porch decorations a few weeks ago but I wanted to give a look at our full house exterior decorated for the holidays. The snow adds that extra bit of magic and I ran out with my iPhone to capture the beauty. I've edited these photos with a vintage filter in Lightroom to highlight that nostalgic appeal that Christmas always brings.

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

Here's a look at our frontage. We sit at one corner of a four way intersection. There is a slope to our property so our house sits above the street and looks larger than it is. We've made quite a few exterior improvements over the years and the house looks different from when we first purchased it.

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

The white fence is a favourite spot to decorate. It looks classic with a garland, white lights, and red plaid bows. This fence was so ugly (I'm not exaggerating - see for yourself) when we bought the house but now it's pretty as can be. I love the pine trees against this fence. Their green needles provide a nice contrast against the snow.

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

Our house is a traditional Colonial centre hall plan. The symmetry is played up by adorning each of the windows with matching wreaths. From the moment I first saw this house, I knew this is how I wanted it to look at Christmastime.

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow

We have a larger wreath on the chimney. Since we sit on a corner, we decorate the two sides of the house so you have a nice view from either direction. Here you can see the small trees on the porch. This was the first time we've put trees there and I like the extra bit of sparkle and interest they add to that area. 

colonial house in winter, colonial house with snow, Christmas house with snow  
I hope you enjoyed this look at our house in winter. Time to settle in and enjoy the rest of the season!

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