Shared Home Office In Progress
One more post from me today. I need to share our progress on the shared home office before the kitchen renovation takes hold and I have no time (or energy) to sit in front of the computer!

A bit more jazzing up of the home office has happened. HandyMan has added a CD tower/base support to balance out the look of the room. As well, grommets have been added to create drop holes for all the unsightly cables. If you look close enough, you'll see the tangled mess of cables under the countertop...that's what you get when you have one socket in the room...opposite from where you need it! No matter, because with the kitchen right below and the kitchen ceiling being torn out, we'll have easy access to add in another socket when the electrician comes in. Yay.
Biggest change in the room are the fab Ikea curtains. The black and white pattern looks awesome against the green wall. We'll just have to get a just-as-fab fabric to reupholster the ugly but functional teal office chairs. Still left to do: fix the quarter-round, paint the rad, and add a filler panel for behind the file cabinets. Oh, and hang up my picture wall... though I'm thinking the kitchen will take precedence and we may not get to those last few things for a while. Ok, I'm tired. Just one last...
and After!