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All About You

Thanks to all you folks who took the time to answer my survey last week. I’ve learned lots of interesting things about who drops by Rambling Renovators: 
  • a whopping 95% of you dear readers are female and almost 80% of you are married. I guess that means if the occasional “HandyMan is driving me nuts!” or “Ooh, I just love this cute sweater from Banana Republic” posts appear, only a few of you won’t relate to it ;)
  • most readers are from central and eastern US states, and from Western Canada and Ontario
  • the majority of you read only 10-20 blogs a day… which makes me feel a little freakish because I have 103 blogs in my Google Reader :o\

Quite a lot of you took the time to leave me your blog address – thanks! I am making my way through the list and have found some great new reads. Maybe you’ll find some too:

So what is it you like to read about when you visit my blog? No surprise here, but the Top 3 Faves are the Before & Afters, the DIY, and Renovation Tips. Close behind are Product Selection tips, and the My Life posts (really?!). You folks seem to like my design style (though I myself am still not quite sure what that is), inspiration pics, and the “ripped apart, dust and grime shots”. Sounds good. I’ll deliver more of the same ;) What you don’t like…contests (good – because I don’t have anything to giveaway), and local resources (though the 10 of you from Toronto would probably beg to differ!)

And finally, you guys have given me lots of ideas for a Question & Answer feature I’d like to do on the blog. Some of you have specific design questions you’re grappling with, like what to put in that empty space above the sofa, or how to make your laundry room cute and functional. If you’d like, send me in a photo at and we’ll help you tackle that design dilemma!

So, that’s All About You in a nutshell. Thanks for all the feedback… I’ll take it all to heart. Very nice to meet you!!

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