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Weekend Fun

Whew, I am tired. It was a very full weekend. We enjoyed almost three days filled with sunshine and playtime, long days and late nights, epic tantrums from the 3yr old, and some good ol' renovating fun.

Friday afternoon was spent enjoying the mega sand pit at Dufferin Grove Park with the cousins. Chloe had a great weekend being a kid and doing all the fun things kids get to do... getting wet and dirty then sticky with ice cream. Our annual street party on Saturday was a blast. Chloe alternated between running screaming through the water from the firehose and riding screaming down the block on her new bike.

On Sunday, we made HandyMan the fluffiest pancakes ever. Then he got to work installing the laminate floor in the basement. What, doesn't every man like to do hard labour for Father's Day?

Speaking of Father's Day, Chloe and I made this card for my dad. Folded paper things make me happy :) ... as does having an incredible Dad and incredible husband. So wonderful to celebrate this weekend with my two favourite men. I am blessed.

How was your weekend?

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