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The Basement: New Home Office

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We're starting to see the light at the end of this renovation tunnel, finally. It was a productive weekend. We got all the door trims and baseboards installed and painted, 1/2 of the boxes in the garage cleared out and things put back in their places, and most enjoyable for me, I set up my office downstairs. 

If you remember, we have a home office set up in one of our bedrooms upstairs but found that it wasn't getting much use, so that room is getting turned into Chloe's big girl room and the office is getting incorporated into the basement. Our countertops were installed last week (we went with Corian in Linen - it looks like pebbles of sand!) so I finally was able to start working downstairs. Here's a peek at the new digs:

It feels so good to have things organized and just where I need them. Printing has never been easier. I've got a drawer for papers and labels and envelopes - I've been labelling everything in sight ;) I want to keep things neat and sparse. I might put a few things on the walls. Haven't decided exactly what yet. That piggy painting is going somewhere in the basement, rest assured.

I've also started on the decorating. Yay! That's definitely a sign we're almost finished with this reno. I made a cute little jar - it says "Good Things and Chloe-isms". I'm using it to hold notes about all the funny things Chloe has been saying lately, and notes about all the little things I'm just very grateful for. So whenever I'm working, if I need a pick-me-up, there it is :)

And since I was in a printing mood, I made up these jars for the laundry room. The big jar says "The Jar Of Lost Socks" and the mason jar says "The Jar Of Found Coins". I've already collected 1 black sock and $1.27 so they've come in pretty handy.

Weird how a few jars can make me feel more productive already!

How was your weekend? Finish any little projects?

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