Download: Laundry Symbol Art
Things were going so well around here... until we lost the sewing machine.
Yes. Lost. A sewing machine the size of a printer. Sounds impossible but
somewhere between our house, the garage, the storage locker, and our new
basement we've lost Mama HandyMan's 50 year old sewing machine. Which is a
real pain because
the sewing projects
are just piling up around here. Insert sad face :(
While I'm not sewing, I am getting a few small decorating projects done. First up was some some art in the laundry room. You won't believe how much time I spend in there now doing laundry... its actually fun to do laundry now. I think the TV and frosted door have something to do with it ;) But the room is looking a little sterile. I wanted something bright and modern so I came up with this:
I'm always forgetting what the laundry symbols mean so this is a fun little way to remember them.

Plus, I like the pop of blue that greets me when I open the door. I put the art in an Ikea RIBBA frame I had lying around so this project cost $0. Yay for free art. The laundry room is almost done, there's a few bits and pieces left to do but soon I can finally share a full reveal.