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DIY: Mini Christmas Tree Trucks

Happy Monday. Did you have a good weekend? We had a welcome break from all the cold days and enjoyed bright sunshine and warm breezes today. Not that I got to enjoy it. I was inside painting the laundry room (for the fourth time) and working on some little projects for Chloe's playhouse. If you follow me on Instagram, you would have caught a sneak peek of one of them. I also found a few minutes to knock out a Christmas craft I've been wanting to do for a long time:

I was totally inspired by this pin and have been on the lookout for vintage trucks at the thrift stores to replicate the look. Unfortunately, those kind of toys are hard to come by so I decided to work with this tube of trucks from the Dollar Store:

They're a bit to modern looking so I decided to remove the stickers... 

and replace them with some washi tape I had lying around. I debated spraypainting the truck instead but I thought taping off the car undercarriage would be a hassle and the paint could get all drippy and I'd lose all the fun small details.


Then I added some mini trees, also from the Dollar Store, and tied them onto the truck with a bit of twine.

A cute addition to the holiday decor! Chloe is already enjoying zipping these trucks around the room. This one's definitely a quick, cheap, and easy craft that is kid-approved!

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