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Laundry Room Mishap

We were so close. Unbelievably close to finishing the laundry room. And then this happened:

What you're seeing there is a paint job gone awry. After installing the glass tile backsplash, we were left with a sliver of wall where it meets the ceiling. And so, on the weekend, HandyMan was going to paint that little sliver and touch up a few spots around the room. But we didn't have any paint left (we painted the laundry room with paint leftover from our bathroom renovation three years ago). You can guess where this is going, right?

So HandyMan took the paint can lid (it was a custom colour match and the lid had the formula printed on it) and had a quart made up of the paint. Since it was bathroom paint (and hence semi gloss), we had to splurge for the quart instead of the cheaper (but eggshell) sample pot. But lo and behold, the new paint did not match the old paint at all. HandyMan was a few touch-ups in before he realized they weren't a match so we'll have to repaint the whole laundry room. I think we'll cut our losses and pick an entirely new colour. :(

Goes to show that sometimes DIY is two steps forward and one step back. Argh. Have you had any decorating mishaps lately?

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