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Closet Envy

Slowly, Chloe's new bedroom is coming together. One thing we managed to get organized was her new closet. For the longest time, we've lived with this ridiculous tiny closet:

There was actually closet space behind the wall where the chair is so when we had the doors installed in the basement, we opened up this wall and had our contractor install more functional double-doors in this room:

Already much better! The doors are 24" shaker doors from Central Fairbank. As we do with all our shaker doors, HandyMan added an inset panel trim to the recess to give them a bit more detail which fits with our more traditional house.

For the interior, we really wanted to maximize storage. This room is small (8"x11")and we have no space for a dresser so the closet fittings would need to have a mix of closed, open, and hanging storage. We found these closet towers on sale and bought two of them:

But you know we couldn't just leave them looking 'off the shelf' ;) We had to pull the units about 5" from the left wall so that the open drawers would clear the door. HandyMan filled in the gap with some prefinished MDF we had lying around and even added a "lip" at the top to be consistent with the tops of the towers.

On the right side, we added two rods. We didn't think the drywall on the far right would be strong enough to support a rod full with clothes, so we added some MDF cleats along the back and right side wall. To make full use of the space, we added shelves above the rod. I have a similar shelf in my closet. Its a great place to store shoes and purses.

With the doors painted and everything looking so pretty (the closet was painted with leftover paint from #RockTheRental), I got to organizing:

All her clothes fit and there's room to grow. Hooray! Chloe only wants to wear dresses so those are on the lower rod for easy access. The drawers hold all her t-shirts, underwear, and pajamas. Side note: Is your toddler as particular about her pajamas as mine is? I need to get backups for when her favourite ballerina pajamas are in the wash!

I gave Chloe a little tour of her new closet tonight and asked her to pick her outfit for tomorrow. I hope having everything organized and visible now will help avoid the morning scramble.

At least this part is done. Now onto more painting, wallpaper, custom millwork...

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