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A New York City Adventure

Sometimes you just need a little adventure in life. My schedule is a bit hectic these days but we had the opportunity to do something fun and unexpected and had to go for it. Which explains why last week we picked up Chloe right after school, hopped into our car with luggages in the back seat, and whisked her off to the airport for a surprise trip to New York City. It was so much fun!

I've been to New York many times but it was fun to see the city through the eyes of a six-year-old. To her, everything was new and different and so so tall. Chloe had her point-and-shoot camera so she was really able to capture her own memories, like the photo above and the one below. She's getting good with the camera!

My reaction to the city is always the same: it's a place that both excites me and exhausts me. Add an energetic-never-sits-still-thinks-she-knows-everything six-year-old to the mix and pretty much the 'exhausts me' part was in overdrive ;) But, how can you not love this city?

Chloe wasn't too happy to pose for this picture but she got excited once I told her the hotel in the background was the one in the Home Alone movies. Then she really jumped for joy when she found out we were headed to American Girl place for lunch. Four floors of dolls? She was in heaven.

While Sean and Chloe were enjoying boat tours and Broadway shows, I spent a day at the Better Homes and Gardens Stylemaker conference. It was a day filled with inspiration from BHG editors (I'll be posting table styling tips from Eddie Ross soon) and a chance to finally meet and enjoy meals with blogger friends in person. The lovely covergirl Brooke Shields was there too (she really is just as stunning in person).

There's always the unexpected in NYC. Like our Hudson Hotel room which had to be the tiniest hotel room I've ever stayed in. That's a photo of Chloe standing in the shower (yes, there was a window into the bathroom!) and the entire bathroom was only about 12 square feet. They win points for maximizing the small space!

NYC really is a city that doesn't sleep. We explored Times Square way past Chloe's bedtime and ate our way around the city. If there's agnolotti on the menu, I'm ordering it and this dish at Masserei Dei Vini was divine. 

It was a quick trip but a memorable one. I did manage to squeeze in some shopping and I'll share what I picked up in upcoming post.

Have you been to New York City? What's your favourite thing to do there?

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