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The Cottage Diaries: A Cottage In The Woods

A few weeks ago, we headed out to the country to check out progress on our new build cottage. It's looking so good! I'm excited to give you a look around.

It was a glorious time to visit. The weather was mild and the trees were full of colour. Our cottage sits on a corner lot, with views of trees from almost all of the windows.

The view from the porch is just what I hoped it would be. A road runs to the side and behind the cottage so there will be occasional foot and car traffic passing by but I'm sure we'll still be able to enjoy uninterrupted naps out on the porch.

We'll have a small eating area here. It'll be nice to enjoy breakfast outside and say hi to the neighbours as they walk by.

In the photo below, you can see where the outdoor lounge will go. The GlucksteinHome patio set we picked up will fit perfectly in this space. Overhead, you can see one of the extra junction boxes we had added to light this sitting zone. It's much easier and cheaper to make those small changes now, during construction, than after once everything's been built.

One of the most fun things about buying a new house is that first step inside. You can read the plans, and imagine them in your head but nothing compares to taking that first step and experiencing the building on a physical and emotional level.

When I first walked inside, I was struck by how bright and airy the cottage felt. The neutral white paint and the soaring ceilings made the rooms feel large and spacious. The flooring we chose felt warm and suited the lakehouse feel we're going for. The view above is towards the living room area.

To the right of this area is the dining room and front door. I am in love with the view out the dining room window at the front of the cottage. In the summer, it'll be lush and green. I'll have to keep that in mind when picking window treatments!

To the right of the front door is the kitchen and beyond that the loft and the bedrooms. Again, we added a junction box above the window. I don't think I'll even mind doing dishes with that view out the porch and to the trees beyond ;)

Here's a good view of the loft. As Chloe gets older, I'm sure she'll be spending more time up there with her friends. Her own little hideaway. Below the loft on the left is the master bedroom with ensuite, main bathroom, and laundry room. On the right is the second bedroom.

Both bedrooms have fantastic views and make you feel like you'rw sleeping in the trees. How awesome are those transom windows?

One thing we truly appreciated was the finishing details. The trim work was amazing. You know we're particular about details like that and we were really impressed by the quality of work.

I never realized it until Sean pointed it out, but our cottage looks like a little red barn. I kinda like that. I can't wait to see the cottage all finished in a few weeks. Hope you liked the tour!

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