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Life Lately

Did you have a good weekend? I completely missed on getting a Friday Love List published. Sean has been travelling a lot for work lately and I've been juggling things on the home front and sometimes, it's the blog that suffers. I'm sure some of you can relate.

I do feel on top of my holiday gift game though and shopped the sales and picked up this for Sean (50% off on Cyber Monday!), this for Chloe, and this for myself ;)  If you're still in need of some gift ideas, I've put my favourites on my Holiday Favourites Shop page, or just click the new link on my sidebar.

We did finish up all of our holiday decorating too. Just in time because I've got to get this place photographed for a Canadian Bloggers Holiday Home Tour running all next week! I'll be sharing our decor next Tuesday but follow me on Instagram for some sneak peeks. That's a look at our door garland above. I'm all about mixing real greenery with faux this year.

I'm also in the midst of planning some really exciting home renovation projects. Woohoo! We didn't get as much done on the house this year as we were spending a lot of our time at the cottage, but the winter weather gives us the perfect excuse to stay indoors and get some work done on this place. I'm excited to share more very soon!

And then there's the podcast... I have to say it's been so fun recording In The Storyhouse with Erin. The conversations with her flow easily and I find that at the end of every episode, we come across some insight or viewpoint I never thought of before. Just talking things out has really changed how I'm tackling life and work as a digital entrepreneur. I hope you'll give our latest two episodes a listen, Picture Perfect Pinterest with guest Meagan Williamson (TONS of great tips for bloggers!!)...

and Taking A Leap: Online Careers In The Digital Age. We have a real and raw conversation in this one and share more of our personal stories. We may or may not have come to tears ;)

I just realized December 1st is this Friday which means I'm so behind with my Advent Calendar!!! Gah! It's one of our favourite traditions so I'll have to get on that.

Do you do an Advent calendar? Tell me what you've been up to. I feel like we need to catch up :)

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