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Advent Activities for the Family

It's almost that time... time to hang up the Advent calendar and look forward to 24 days of fun. We've been enjoying this Christmas tradition since Chloe was two years old. Each little pouch (find similar here) has a card with an activity we can enjoy as a family and some of the days have a small gift to open as well.

Our Advent calendar from 2014

It's not really about the gifts... what I love about the Advent calendar is that it forces us to be intentional and spend time together. In this busy world, with so many electronic and online distractions, time truly is the best kind of gift.

In 2011, I included handmade felt ornaments in Chloe's Advent calendar

It's also as much fun for the giver as it is for the receiver. I like taking the time to think about how we're going to spend our time enjoying the holidays. What kind of winter activities do we not want to miss? And doing fun things like decorating gingerbread houses and driving around in our PJs to see the Christmas lights... those are the memories that will last a lifetime.

Ideas for Advent activities for families

In case you're in need of ideas for Advent activities for the family, I thought I'd share our list. I take care to plan more time-intensive activities for the weekend and include things that are already in our calendar (like Chloe's school concert on the 20th). The items in green indicate when I have a small gift associated with that day's activity. For instance, we always start December 1st with the Lego Advent calendar, and I'll be making a stop at Ikea to grab a gingerbread house for December 7th. But, shhhhh, don't tell Chloe what we're up to! ;)

Will you be putting up an Advent calendar? What's the one holiday activity you look forward to the most?

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