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Living Room: Sneak Peek

I know what you're thinking - what happened to the living room renovation? I've kept you waiting much too long. Bad blogger!

Well, you're going to have to wait a little while longer. We still haven't gotten the glass in the hutch replaced and the fireplace needs to be grouted and I'm hoping to find some accents at the antique show this weekend to finish off the room.

HandyMan has forbidden me to show any full photos of the room until its all done. He's still a bit miffed that there are photos of the unfinished window seat in Chloe's room floating around on the interwebs. I get it.

I can share a sneak peek though. Here is the newly tiled fireplace (without grout)! Didn't HandyMan do a spectacular job with the tile? :) :) :)

Such a simple tile but we had so many problems choosing it! I wanted classic, he wanted modern. We wanted marble but couldn't agree on a polished or honed finished. I wanted a brick pattern but HandyMan thought it would look too much like our kitchen backsplash. HandyMan wanted a solid slab of stone and I wanted defined tiles.

We looked at so many different tiles... pencil thin tiles, tile mixes of marble and glass, scallop-shaped tiles, white tile, grey tiles, beige tiles! Initially we were thinking of using the herringbone tile you see below to create a field on the upper part of the fireplace and surround it with larger pieces of marble, somewhat similar to our bathroom floor. The problem though when you mix tiles is that very often they are different thicknesses. (And actually, sometimes even sheets of the same tile are different thicknesses... it depends on the lot, on the machine it was cut on. So many variables!). After two hours at Saltillo trying out every combination of marble, we still couldn't find a mix of tiles that would work together.

So we ended up getting a custom cut tile... 2"x12" Oriental White marble cut from 12"x12" tiles. The brick pattern is classic, the larger tile size is modern... and in the end, everyone is happy.


The birdhouses have been posted on the LePage Facebook Page! Only 3 of the 11 bloggers & designers sent their entry in which is so disappointing for the organizers, especially since this was to bring some attention to Habitat for Humanity, a great organization. But I'd still like your vote (the winner will win a $30,000 donation from Henkel in their name to Habitat for Humanity Canada, plus an additional $500 cash donation from Henkel to donate to the charity of their choice).

To vote, Like the LePage Facebook Page, then click on the brick birdhouse photo, and Like it. Thanks for your support!

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