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BlogTalk: Balance

Today's topic is one I admit I struggle with...

Having been at this blogging thing now for over five years now, I often wonder how long I can keep it up. Do I want to keep up with the demands of regular posting? Do I still have things I need to say? Is it still fun or is it mostly work? Not to mention the downside of blogging... how it takes up A LOT of your time from family, friends, and other areas of your life. Or how it can make you envious of others with their more beautiful houses, perfect families, and popular blogs.

Blogging and the whole online world in general - Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook - has a way of extending its tentacles, immersing itself into your everyday. Do you ever feel like you've been "missing out" on something if you haven't been online for a few days, few hours? I do sometimes. And I hate that I feel that way because real life happens here in front of me and I could be missing it while I have my head buried in my iPhone.

How do you balance it all? Blogging, parenting, working? Sometimes you need to step back and reassess where you're spending the hours of this one precious life we've each been given. I've had a few changes come my way lately, changes in partnerships, new priorities - each one forcing me to ask myself, Where Do I Want To Be?

I've taken on a new and exciting challenge, one I am extremely passionate about, and I can't wait to share all the details with you. But that means other things have to give and I'm not sure what will be on that list. No lessons from me on this topic. I'm still trying to figure it all out. But maybe you have - figured it all out, I mean. Do you have a good balance in your life, online and offline? Are you where you want to be?

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