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A Cozy Bedroom Look For Fall

I'm ready for cooler weather. How about you? I love these early days of fall when mornings are crisp and afternoons bring bright sunshine. Its time to start cozying up our homes, creating a sense of warmth and comfort. The place I like to be the coziest? Our bedroom.

I didn't want to do too much in here, just bring in more textures and warmer colours. The silver urn is from HomeSense as is the white moose. He had a bit of an accident with a broken antler, but nothing a bit of Crazy Glue and Dap couldn't fix.

I brought the birch branches home from the cottage. The pumpkins are faux but the pinecone is real. Mother Nature makes the best accessories, doesn't she?

It's not quite time to pull out the duvet so I've kept the quilt on the bed with a top sheet beneath. These are my favourite bedsheets, a simple check pattern by Ralph Lauren. The small pillow is from etsy. Another favourite: the antique wool military blanket I bought at the Christie Antique show last year. I like the rough texture it adds at the foot of the bed (but it really is the softest wool).
I think its time for an afternoon nap...

Have you been warming up your home? Are you fan of cooler weather? I love adding layers and easing into Fall.

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